Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Knitting Lesson's

After a few of us girlies decided we wanted to learn to knit, and wanted to have a girls craft get-together, I quickly got to work looking at Knitting lessons about town. A review of the local shops revealed knitting lessons are quite a bit more than we had expected. So after a review of the girls we thought might like to join us I realized we already had a knitting instructor among us.

Thank you Stef for the knitting lessons and fun chatting. We all had a great time and can't wait for the next meeting of the ...WI? Hen Party? Knit with Wit? (oh I could go on and on:-)

Oh and you may not see her face in the photo's but Tori was there too! She was with us via Skype (the computer at the end of the table).


Tori said...

I was sooo glad I was about to come, gotta love Skype. :) I was a lot of fun. :)

St.Aubin said...

So glad you were able to join us too!