Sunday, January 3, 2010

Okay, not a craft but....Scissors were involved

Tip and Brag Post
Tip: If you find yourself feeling like a change...go for it! Change can be good, but make sure you have clear idea of what you are thinking so you can relay your thoughts clearly to the stylist. If your not sure what your thinking or aren't sure if you can clearly convey what your thinking look online first and print off a picture of what you would like. This will ensure you really get what you want :-)
Brag: While on my recent trip to Utah to visit with friends and family, my dear friend Carrie stated that she wasn't crazy about her hair. She felt it needed a trim or "something." So, as a former Theatre person with hairstyling know-how I offered to give her a new do should she have an idea. After a quick search of short hairstyles via google she found the hairstyle below and...

I think I hit it on the money. More over I think it was an excellent pick for her. It looks totally sassy on her and is easy enough to maintain with little ones! - Her daughter Gwynn pictured with her thought it was pretty good stuff too :-)


Lady Carolyn said...

I still love it! Thanks!

Tori said...

I love it, it looks great.

Lexi said...

You are so welcome. Thinking back I thinks it is the best hair cut I've ever given you. Not that the others weren't good but this one is really great on you!